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hwPtpBitsTimeSource OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {atomicClock(16), gPS(32), terrestrialRadio(48), ptp(64), ntp(80), handSet(96), other(144), internalOscillator(160)}
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This attribute indicates the source of time used by the grandmaster clock.
1.atomicClock(16) - indicates that any device, or device directly connected to such a device,
that is based on atomic resonance for frequency and that has been calibrated
against international standards for frequency and, if the PTP timescale is used.
2.gPS(32) - indicates that any device synchronized to a satellite system that distribute time
and frequency tied to international standards
3.terrestrialRadio(48) - indicates that any device synchronized via any of the radio distribution systems
that distribute time and frequency tied to international standards
4.ptp(64) - indicates that any device synchronized to a PTP-based source of time external to the domain
5.ntp(80) - indicates that any device synchronized via NTP or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) to servers
that distribute time and frequency tied to international standards
6.handSet(96) - indicates that used for any device whose time has been set by means of a human interface
based on observation of an international standards source of time to within the claimed clock accuracy
7.other(144) - indicates that other source of time and/or frequency not covered by other values
8.internalOscillator(160)- indicates that any device whose frequency is not based on atomic resonance nor calibrated against international
standards for frequency, and whose time is based on a free-running oscillator with epoch determined in an
arbitrary or unknown manner
Default: gPS(32)"


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Parent OID: hwBitsPortManageEntry(1) First sibling OID: hwBitsPortClkWorkMode(1) Previous sibling OID: hwPtpBitsPriority2(7) Next sibling OID: hwBits1ppsDelayDirection(9) Last sibling OID: hwPtpBitsOffsetScaledLogVariance(12) Separation line
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