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hwPtpBitsClockAccuracy OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The clockAccuracy characterizes a clock for the purpose of the best master clock (BMC) algorithm. The value of
this attribute shall be estimated by the clock to a precision consistent with the value of the selected enumeration.
Range: 0x0-0xFF
01 0x20 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 25 ns
02 0x21 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 100 ns
03 0x22 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 250 ns
04 0x23 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 1 us
05 0x24 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 2.5 us
06 0x25 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 10 us
07 0x26 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 25 us
08 0x27 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 100 us
09 0x28 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 250 us
10 0x29 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 1 ms
11 0x2A - indicates that the time is accurate to within 2.5 ms
12 0x2B - indicates that the time is accurate to within 10 ms
13 0x2C - indicates that the time is accurate to within 25 ms
14 0x2D - indicates that the time is accurate to within 100 ms
15 0x2E - indicates that the time is accurate to within 250 ms
16 0x2F - indicates that the time is accurate to within 1 s
17 0x30 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 10 s
18 0x31 - indicates that the time is accurate to >10 s
19 0x80-0xFD - indicates that for use by alternate PTP profiles
Default: 0x20
01 0xFE - indicates that the time accuracy is unknown
02 0x21 - indicates that the time is accurate to within 100 ns
Default: 0xFE"


MIB object for network management

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Parent OID: hwBitsPortManageEntry(1) First sibling OID: hwBitsPortClkWorkMode(1) Previous sibling OID: hwBitsPortIOStatus(3) Next sibling OID: hwPtpBitsClockClass(5) Last sibling OID: hwPtpBitsOffsetScaledLogVariance(12) Separation line
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