hwPstnCalledEmulateTestResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {calledNoRing(1), calledNoOffHook(2), calledOffHookingBusy(3), calledNoTalk(4), callRelease(5), matchNoCompleted(6), sendNoCompleted(7), testSucceed(8), calledMatchFailed(9), calledPortAbnormal(10)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Emulational Called Test Result
1. calledNoRing(1) -indicates the called user dose not ring
2. calledNoOffHook(2) -indicates the called user dose not off hook
3. calledOffHookingBusy(3) -indicates the called user is busy in off-hooking
4. calledNoTalk(4) -indicates the called user does not connect
5. callRelease(5) -indicates the call is released
6. matchNoCompleted(6) -indicates the match is not completed
7. sendNoCompleted(7) -indicates the sending is not completed
8. testSucceed(8) -indicates the test succeed
9. calledMatchFailed(9) -indicates the called user match failed
10.calledPortAbnormal(10) -indicates the called port is abnormal"