hwAcInputOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {normal(1), acOff(2), acAbsent(3), voltHigh(4), voltLow(5), alarmResume(254), other(255)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the site AC distribution uint. It is an enumeration type:
If the enumeration value is 1, it indicates that the site AC distribution uint is in the normal state;
If the enumeration value is 2, it indicates that AC distribution uint power off;
If the enumeration value is 3, it indicates that AC input phase absent;
If the enumeration value is 4, it indicates that AC voltage is over upper alarm threshold;
If the enumeration value is 5, it indicates that AC voltage is under lower alarm threshold;
If the enumeration value is 254, it indicates AC distribution uint alarm resume;
If the enumeration value is 255, it indicates AC distribution uint operation status unknown."