SYNTAX Gauge32 (0..640)
UNITS "2^-8"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The E-side Cable Model parameter A (DPBOESCMA) of the cable model (DPBOESCM) for cables
connecting exchange based DSL services to a remote flexibility point (cabinet), that hosts the
xTU-C that is subject to spectrally shaped downstream power back-off (DPBO) depending on this value.
The cable model is in terms of three scalars xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA (DPBOESCMA),
xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB(DPBOESCMB), and xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC (DPBOESCMC),
that are used to estimate the frequency dependent loss of E-side cables calculated
from the xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL (DPBOESEL) parameter.
Possible values shall be coded as unsigned integers representing a scalar value
from -1 (coded as 0) to 1.5 (coded as 640) in steps of 2^-8.
All values in the range are valid. This parameter is used only for G.993.2.
Unit: 2^-8."
"ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOESCMA)"
DEFVAL {256}