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child OID: Child OID separator hwRadioPerformanceStatEntry(1) Child OID separator
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hwRadioPerformanceStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwRadioPerformanceStatEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Huawei radio performance statistic table, it is aggregate of a group of operation to the performance statistic of radio calibrate counters. Such as display and cleanup.
The content of the table contains: radio received frames, radio received bytes, radio sent frames, radio sent bytes, radio sent success RTS frames,
radio sent unicast frames, radio sent broadcast frames, radio sent failed frames, radio received error frames, radio received physics layer error frames,
radio received CRC error frames, radio received MIC error frames, radio received key decrypt error frames, radio retry frames, radio error rate,
radio channel utilization rate, radio performance Statics operate mode, radio error rate of last periods, radio received signal strength, radio down mac
error frames, radio received power.

The index of the radio performance statistic table is hwApIndex and hwRadioID, an Ap index is an unique identifier to a AP, A radio ID is an unique identifier to a radio.
The Ap index is a index import from HUAWEI-WLAN-DEVICE-MIB, the detail description about the index can refer to the node hwApIndex and hwRadioID description."


MIB object for network management

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Tree display Parent OID: hwRadio(3) First child OID: hwRadioPerformanceStatEntry(1) First sibling OID: hwRadioProfileTable(1) Previous sibling OID: hwRadioUncontrolAPInfTable(7) Next sibling OID: hwRadioUnauthenticNeighborInfoTable(9) Last sibling OID: hwRadioConformance(35)
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