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vdsl2DpboProfEpsd OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Vdsl2DpboEpsd
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This parameter defines the PSD mask that is assumed to be permitted at the exchange.
This parameter shall use the same format as PSDMASKds.The maximum number of breakpoints
for DPBOEPSD is 16.
This is a string of 16 pairs of values in the following
Octets 0+1 - Index of 1st sub-carrier used in the context
of a first breakpoint.
Octet 2 - The PSD reduction for the sub-carrier indicated in
octets 0 and 1.
Octets 3-5 - Same, for a 2nd breakpoint.
Octets 6-8 - Same, for a 3rd breakpoint.
This architecture continues until octets 45-47, which are
associated with a 16th breakpoint.
Each subcarrier index is an unsigned number in the range 1 and
NSCds. Each PSD reduction value is in the range 0 (0dBm/Hz) to
255 (-127.5dBm/Hz) with steps of 0.5dBm/Hz. Valid values are
in the range 0 to 190 (0 to -95dBm/Hz).
When the number of breakpoints is less than 16, all remaining
octets are set to the value 0xff."
"ITU-T G.997.1(200604), paragraph"


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Parent OID: vdsl2DpboProfEntry(1) First sibling OID: vdsl2DpboProfName(1) Previous sibling OID: vdsl2DpboProfWkMdMask(2) Next sibling OID: vdsl2DpboProfEsel(4) Last sibling OID: vdsl2DpboProfEselMin(65535) Separation line
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