vdsl2SpectrumProfPsdLimitMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Vdsl2PsdLimitMask
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
This configuration parameter contains the G.993.2 limit
PSD masks of the selected PSD mask class, enabled by the
near-end xTU on this line for each class of profiles.
This parameter is defined per VDSL2 Annex enabled in the
xdsl2LConfProfXtuTransSysEna object.
Through this parameter several limit PSD masks of the
selected PSD mask class (xdsl2LConfProfClassMask) may be
enabled. The enabling parameter is coded in a bitmap
representation (0 if the associated mask is not allowed,
1 if it is allowed).This object is defaulted AnnexB998-M2x-B."
"ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"