vdsl2SpectrumProfPsdClassMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Vdsl2TIPsdClassMask
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
In order to reduce the number of configuration
possibilities, the limit Power Spectral Density masks
(see LIMITMASK) are grouped in PSD mask classes.
Each class is designed such that the PSD levels of each
limit PSD mask of a specific class are equal in their
respective passband above 276 kHz.
This parameter is defined per VDSL2 Annex enabled in the
xdsl2LConfProfXtuTransSysEna object. It selects a single
PSD mask class per Annex that is activated at the
VTU-O. This object is defaulted A998/B997M1c/C998."
"ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"