hwVdslSCFextXlinRealDs OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"For each given VCE port index k, this parameter is a one-dimensional
array of complex values in linear scale for downstream FEXT coupling
coefficients Xlinds(f) originating from the loop connected to the VCE
port k into the loop for which Xlinds(f) is being reported. Each array
entry represents the Xlinds(f = n*Df) value for a particular subcarrier
index n. The Xlinds(f = n*Df) value is represented as
((XLINSCds/2^15) * ((a(n) + j*b(n))/2^15)), where a(n) and b(n) are
signed integers in the (-2^15 + 1) to (+2^15 - 1) range. A special
value indicates that no measurement could be done from line k into this
line for subcarrier n. Another special value indicates that there is
no phase information and the magnitude of Xlinds
(f = n*Df) is ((XLINSCds/2^15) * (a(n)/2^15))."
"ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
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