vdsl2SCStatusAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
UNITS "bits/second"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Maximum Attainable Data Rate. The maximum net data rate
currently attainable by the XTU-C transmitter and XTU-R
receiver (when referring to downstream direction) or by the
XTU-R transmitter and XTU-C receiver (when referring to
upstream direction). Value is coded in bits/s.
This object reflects the value of the parameter following the
most recent DELT performed on the associated line. Once
the DELT process is over, the parameter no longer changes
until the row is deleted or a new DELT process is initiated.
Unit: bits/second"
"ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (ATTNDRds)
and paragraph # (ATTNDRus)"