hwPstnCTPCallWaitState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {disable(1), -- the service is disable
idle(2), -- the is no callwaiting services
secondaryRinging(3), -- the second part is ringing
secondaryConnecting(4), -- the second part is connecting
secondaryConnected(5), -- the second part is connected
secondaryDisconnecting(6), -- the second part is disconnecting
invalidusertype(7) -- the user is not SIP user}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Indicates the register status of the PSTN port.
1. disable(1)- the service is disable
2. idle(2)- the is no callwaiting services
3. secondaryRinging(3)- the second part is ringing
4. secondaryConnecting(4)- the second part is connecting
5. secondaryConnected(5)- the second part is connected
6. secondaryDisconnecting(6)- the second part is disconnecting
7. invalidusertype(7) -- the user is not SIP user"
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