hwIsisImportProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {direct(1), static(2), rip(3), ospf(4), isis(5), bgp(6), ospfv3(7), ripng(8), bgpIbgp(9)}
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This object indicates the routing protocol of the imported routes:
direct(1): indicates direct.
static(2): indicates static.
rip(3): indicates RIP.
ospf(4): indicates OSPF
isis(5): indicates IS-IS.
bgp(6): For VPN instance, indicates EBGP and IBGP, otherwise indicates EBGP.
ospfv3(7): indicates OSPFv3.
ripng(8): indicates RIPng.
bgpIbgp(9): For VPN instance, this is unusable, otherwise indicates IBGP and EBGP."