OID Repository
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hwIsisCircL1RecvPassword1 OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The value to be used as the Authentication Key in Level 1
and Point-to-Point hello packets that are receivied from
the neighboring Systems, whenever the corresponding instance
of isisCircL1AuthType has a value of plaintext or md5.
Authentication of the received LSP is successful, when
authentication is successful on using any one of the
RecvPwd?. A modification of the corresponding instance of
isisCircL1AuthType does not modify the
hwIsisCircL1RecvPassword1 value.

Reading this object always results in an OCTET
STRING of length zero; authentication may not
be bypassed by reading the MIB object."
DEFVAL { ''h }


MIB object for network management

See classes of OIDs
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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: hwIsisProcBaseTable(1) First sibling OID: hwIsisProcBaseEntry(1) Previous sibling OID: hwIsisCircL1TransPassword(3) Next sibling OID: hwIsisCircL1RecvPassword2(5) Last sibling OID: hwIsisCircAreaMismatches(13) Separation line
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