hwCosPortTrafficEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HwCosPortTrafficEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Indicates the port+CoS CAR table. It is used to add, query, modify, or delete the IP traffic
profile used by the port+CoS CAR. The indexes of this entry are ifIndex, hwCosPortExtPara1,
hwCosPortOntId, hwCosPortGemIndex and hwCosPortTrafficCos. The port+CoS CAR can be set only
when the board CAR mode is portCos(2). When querying or modifying the port+CoS CAR, you must
enter both the IP traffic profiles used by the upstream traffic and downstream traffic (either
the names or indexes of the upstream and downstream IP traffic profiles can be entered)."
INDEX {ifIndex, hwCosPortExtPara1, hwCosPortOntId, hwCosPortGemIndex, hwCosPortTrafficCos}