hwIpdslamConnectFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {bothOff(1), srcDown(2), dstDown(3), srcDownAndDstDown(4), srcUp(5), srcBoth(6), srcUpAndDstDown(7), srcBothAndDstDown(8), dstUp(9), dstUpAndSrcDown(10), dstBoth(11), dstBothAndSrcDown(12), dstUpAndSrcUp(13), dstUpAndSrcBoth(14), dstBothAndSrcUp(15), dstBothAndSrcBoth(16)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Enable/disable the connection flow control, and the source destination direction is determined by the direction created by PVC.
The connect flow control.
1. bothOff(1) -The value is not supported.
2. srcDown(2) -The value is not supported.
3. dstDown(3) -The value is not supported.
4. srcDownAndDstDown(4) -The value is not supported.
5. srcUp(5) -The value is not supported.
6. srcBoth(6) -The value is not supported.
7. srcUpAndDstDown(7) -The value is not supported.
8. srcBothAndDstDown(8) -The value is not supported.
9. dstUp(9) -The value is not supported.
10. dstUpAndSrcDown(10) -The value is not supported.
11. dstBoth(11) -The value is not supported.
12. dstBothAndSrcDown(12) -The value is not supported.
13. dstUpAndSrcUp(13) -The value is not supported.
14. dstUpAndSrcBoth(14) -The value is not supported.
15. dstBothAndSrcUp(15) -The value is not supported.
16. dstBothAndSrcBoth(16) -The value is not supported."