h3cDot11SrvPortSecurityMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {noRestrictions(1), userLoginSecureExt(2), psk(3), macAddressAndPsk(4), userLoginSecureExtOrPsk(5), ext(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Determines the security modes of the WLAN port.
noRestrictions The default value, no any security mode is set.
userLoginSecureExt Access to the port is denied until the port
client is authorized (by 802.1X).
psk Access to the port is denied until the port client is
authorized (by 802.1X key negotiation).
macAddressAndPsk The MAC address is first authenticated and only if
this succeeds does the psk then attempt user authentication.
userLoginSecureExtOrPsk This selects both the userLoginSecureExt and
psk modes together such that either is allowed to authorized access.
Which mode works for client depends on the client's choice.
ext Access to the port is denied until the port client is
authenticated (by ext)."