OID Repository
OID Repository
Display OID:

Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item2011 Action itemh3c(10) Action itemh3cCommon(2)


child OIDs: Child OID separator h3cSystemManMIBObjects(1) Child OID separator h3cSystemManMIBNotifications(2) Child OID separator h3cSystemManMIBConformance(3) Child OID separator

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The size of each slice represents the number of grandchild OIDs (displayed when hovering over each slice).
Clicking on a slice focuses on the corresponding child OID.
Colors are generated randomly each time this page is displayed (except for the first slice).
A pie chart based on the number of all descendants of each child OID is also available.
Navigating the OID tree
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OID description

Action itemFormat of this page
Action itemModify this OID
Action itemCreate child OID
Action itemCreate sibling OID

Action itemDensity of this OID
OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


LAST-UPDATED "201801100000Z"
"Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd."
"Platform Team Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd.
Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China
"This MIB contains objects to manage the system.
It focuses on the display of current configure file and image
file,and the definition of reloading image.
Add the support for XRN."
REVISION "201801100000Z"
"added 'interface' attribute for h3cSysClockProtocol in h3cSysClockProtocolGroup."
REVISION "201706120000Z"
"Add h3cSysLocalClockString2."
REVISION "201507270000Z"
"Add h3cSysClockProtocolGroup, h3cSysClockProtocol, h3cSysClockProtocolSrcMdc
-- and h3cSysClockProtocolSrcContext."
REVISION "200404081345Z" -- April 08, 2004 at 13:45 GMT


➵ MIB object for network management
➵ Module in a given formal language

See classes of OIDs
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Disclaimer: The owner of this site does not warrant or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information available on this page (for more information, please read the complete disclaimer).
All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Tree display Parent OID: h3cCommon(2) First child OID: h3cSystemManMIBObjects(1) First sibling OID: h3cFtm(1) Previous sibling OID: h3cUIMgt(2) Next sibling OID: h3cConfig(4) Last sibling OID: h3cPPP(175) Separation line
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