v2CableDiagResultCableStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {no_result(0), ok(1), no_cable(2), open(3), short(4), imp_mis(5)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The status of a pair of the cable.
no_result(0) - The cable have not do cable daig or result have
been clear.
ok(1) - The pair or cable has no error.
no_cable(2) - The port does not have any cable connection to the
remote partner.
open(3) - The cable in the error pair does not have a connection
at the specified position.
short(4) - The cable in the error pair has a short problem at the
specified position.
imp_mis(5)- The cable in the error pair has a impedance_mismatch problem
at the specified position."