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swDevInfoFrontPanelLedStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object is a set of system LED indications. The first two
octets indicate the LED PoE mode.
01 02 = PoE Mode
02 01 = Normal Mode
00 00 = Non-PoE Device
The next two are defined as system LED.
The third octet is power LED.
0x01 : Power Off
0x02 : Power On
the forth octet is console led:
0x01 = system start up
0x02 = a user is login through console
0x03 = no user is login through console
The fifth octect is RPS (Redundancy Power Supply) LED.
0x01 = Ineternal Power working
0x02 = External Power working
The sixth octect is FAN LED
0x01 = Fan LED Off
0x02 = Fan LED blinking
The seventh octect is external alarm LED
0x01 = external alarm LED Off
0x02 = external alarm LED On
The other octets following are the logical port LED
(following dot1dBasePort ordering). Every two bytes are presented to a port.
The first byte is presentd to the Link/Activity LED. The second byte is
presented to the Speed LED.
Link/Activity LED:
The most significant bit is used for blink/solid:
8 = The LED blinks.
The second significant bit is used for link status:
1 = link fail.
2 = link pass.
Speed LED:
Normal Mode
bit 4 :
0 = copper link up (if link fail will show 0)
1 = fibber link up
bit 2-0 :
01 = 10Mbps.
02 = 100Mbps.
03 = 1000Mbps.
04 = 10000Mbps
POE mode:
01 = no PD connected.
02 = no deliver power to PD.
03 = deliver power to PD."


MIB object for network management

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