OID Repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item171 Action itemdlink-products(10) Action itemdlink-DGS12XXSeriesProd(76) Action itemdgs-1210-16ax(9) Action itemcompanySNMPV3(25) Action itemsnmpV3User(2) Action itemsnmpV3UserTable(1) Action itemsnmpV3UserEntry(1)


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snmpV3UserAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {none(1), md5(2), sha(3)}
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of
this user to/from the SNMP engine identified by
usmUserEngineID, can be authenticated, and if so,
the type of authentication protocol which is used.
An instance of this object is created concurrently
with the creation of any other object instance for
the same user (i.e., as part of the processing of
the set operation which creates the first object
instance in the same conceptual row).
If an initial set operation (i.e. at row creation time)
tries to set a value for an unknown or unsupported
protocol, then a 'wrongValue' error must be returned.
The value will be overwritten/set when a set operation
is performed on the corresponding instance of
Once instantiated, the value of such an instance of
this object can only be changed via a set operation to
the value of the NoAuthProtocol.
If a set operation tries to change the value of an
existing instance of this object to any value other
than NoAuthProtocol, then an 'inconsistentValue'
error must be returned.
If a set operation tries to set the value to the
NoAuthProtocol while the UserPrivProtocol value
in the same row is not equal to NoPrivProtocol,
then an 'inconsistentValue' error must be returned.
That means that an SNMP command generator application
must first ensure that the UserPrivProtocol is set
to the NoPrivProtocol value before it can set
the UserAuthProtocol value to NoAuthProtocol."


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: snmpV3UserEntry(1) First sibling OID: snmpV3UserName(1) Previous sibling OID: snmpV3UserGroupName(3) Next sibling OID: snmpV3UserAuthProtocolPassword(5) Last sibling OID: snmpV3UserStatus(8) Separation line
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