ipv4sysIpAddrCfgMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {manual(1), dynamic(2)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"Specifies the means by which the default interface in the device
gets the IP address.
If 'manual' mode is selected, the default interface takes the
'sysDefaultIpAddr' configured in the system.
If 'dynamic' mode is selected, the default interface gets the IP address
through dynamic IP address configuration protocols such as RARP client,
BootP client, DHCP Client, etc.
If the system fails to get the IP address dynamically through all the
above protocols, the default interface uses the 'sysDefaultIpAddr'
configured in the system."
DEFVAL {manual}
➵ Deprecated OID
➵ MIB object for network management
See classes of OIDs