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lldpStatsRxPortAgeoutsTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The counter that represents the number of age-outs that
occurred on a given port. An age-out is the number of
times the complete set of information advertised by a
particular MSAP has been deleted from tables contained in
sysLLDPRemoteSystemsData and lldpExtensions objects because
the information timeliness interval has expired.
This counter is similar to lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts, except
that the counter is on a per port basis. This enables NMS to
poll tables associated with the sysLLDPRemoteSystemsData objects
and all LLDP extension objects associated with remote systems
on the indicated port only.
This counter should be set to zero during agent initialization
and its value should not be saved in non-volatile storage.
When a port's admin status changes from 'disabled' to
'rxOnly', 'txOnly' or 'txAndRx', the counter associated with
the same port should reset to 0. The agent should also flush
all remote system information associated with the same port.
This counter should be incremented only once when the
complete set of information is invalidated (aged out) from
all related tables on a particular port. Partial aging
is not allowed, and thus, should not change the value of
this counter."
"IEEE 802.1AB-2005"


MIB object for network management

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