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tokenRingSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
{ autoDetect(1),
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"NOTE: Because, this variable has been obsoleted by the
netConfigLinkSpeed and netConfigIfSpeed, it will be deprecated
in a future firmware release. Applications should migrate to
the new MIB variables as soon as possible.
This object specifies the speed of the token ring that
is being connected to. If autoDetect(1) is selected,
the correct value will be filled in in this object
by the hardware after some ammount of time.
This variable does not apply to Token-Ring interfaces
on a multi-interface probe. Refer to netConfigLinkSpeed
and netConfigIfSpeed in the netConfigTable."
DEFVAL { 3 }

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Parent OID: tokenRing(7)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 18 Dec 2017 Bullet Page top