OID Repository
OID Repository
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outbin5-error-info OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS optional
DESCRIPTION "A device specific description of the last error encountered for
output bin 5. Each POS should document the meaning of all
supported error information.
Additional information:
This is a description of the current error state of a
finishing device. (ie stapler). If the bin does not
support any finishing capabilities then the object
will return <badValue>.
The possible return values are as follows:
Byte1, Byte2, and Byte3 should be 0x00. as they are
reserved for future use.
Byte4 is a bit field that can be interpreted as
bit 0 - unused
bit 1 - eBinderOut Out of staples
bit 2 - eBinderLimit Too many pages to finish
bit 3 - eBinderJam Staple jammed in stapler
bit 4 - eBinderAlign Pages aren't aligned correctly to finish.
bit 5 - unused
bit 6 - unused
bit 7 - unused
NOTE: Because HP is marketing a device with a max of
16 bins the OUTBIN-MAXIMUM-BINDING objects are 3-18 but
the external device specification requires support of
up to 315 output bins. Therefore if these bins exist
above 16, then the coresponding objects will also exist


MIB object for network management

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Disclaimer: The owner of this site does not warrant or assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information available on this page (for more information, please read the complete disclaimer).
All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: outbin5(5) First sibling OID: outbin5-override-mode(9) Previous sibling OID: outbin5-phd(11) Separation line
Chatbot helper Webmaster Bullet 21 Jan 2019 Bullet Page top