tray1-media-size-loaded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {eUSExecutive(1), eUSLetter(2), eUSLegal(3), eFoolscap(10), eLedger(11), eStatement(15), eROC16K(17), eISOandJISA6(24), eISOandJISA5(25), eISOandJISA4(26), eISOandJISA3(27), ePRC16K195X270(34), eJISB6(44), eJISB5(45), eJISB4(46), eJapanesePostcardSingle(71), eJapanesePostcardDouble(72), eIndexCard4x6(74), eIndexCard5x8(75), eIndexCard3x5(78), eMonarch(80), eCommercial10(81), ePRC16K184X260(89), eInternationalDL(90), eInternationalC5(91), eInternationalC6(92), eInternationalB5(100), eCustom(101), eJapanseEnvLong3(110), eJapanseEnvLong4(111), ePhoto10x15(118), ePhotoLSizeCard(121), eIndexCard5x7(122), eLegal216x340(127), eJapaneseOufuku148x200(328), eAnySize(32765)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Returns the media size that is currently loaded in tray
#1. This object can be set to indicate the media size
currently loaded, if the printer supports input trays
that can not sense the media size. Complete list of
supported media sizes along with their dimensions are
listed in the ``Media Size Table'' near the end of this