OID Repository
OID Repository
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OID description

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OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


simm1-type OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {eEmpty(1), eUnknown(2), eUnSupported(3), eReadOnlyMemory(4), eVolatileRandomAccessMemory(5), eFlashMemory(7), eRamRom(9)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns an indication of the type of option installed in
SIMM slot 1.
eEmpty means the device did not detect any option
installed in the interface slot.
eUnknown means the device doesn't recognize the
installed option.
eUnSupported means the device recognizes the installed
option, but does not support the option.
eReadOnlyMemory means the installed option contains
ROM Ics.
eVolatileRandomAccessMemory means the installed option
contains RAM ICs that loose data when the power is
turned off.
eNonVolatileRandomAccessMemory means that the
installed option contains RAM ICs that do not loose data
when the power is turned off.
eFlashMemory means that the installed option contains
a type of non-volatile RAM that needs to be erased
before it can be written.
eDiskDrive means the installed option contains a disk
drive. eRamRom means the installed option contains both
volatile random access memory and read only memory.
eInputPHD means the installed option is an input paper
handling device.
eOutputPHD means the installed option is an output
paper handling device.
eIOCard means the installed option is an I/O card.
Additional information:
This object is used for describing DIMMs instead
of SIMMs on LaserJet 4050 Series. eRamRom is used to denote LaserJet 4050 Series's combo simm."


MIB object for network management

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: simm1(1) Next sibling OID: simm1-capacity(5) Last sibling OID: simm1-bank(6) Separation line
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