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OID description

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serialConnectStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX EntryStatus
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"The status of this serial connection entry.
If the manager attempts to set this object to valid(1) when the serialConnectType is set to modem(2) or modem-switch(4) and the serialConnectDialString is a zero-length string or cannot be correctly parsed as a ConnectString, the set request will be rejected with badValue(3).
If the manager attempts to set this object to valid(1) when the serialConnectType is set to switch(3) or modem-switch(4) and the serialConnectSwitchConnectSeq, the serialConnectSwitchDisconnectSeq, or the serialConnectSwitchResetSeq cannot be correctly parsed as ConnectStrings, the set request will be rejected with badValue(3). Note that in these cases, zero-length strings should be considered to be valid and parsable strings. Thus, a set request should not be rejected in the case where any of the three serialConnectSwitchxxxxxSeq strings are of 0 length. The set should only be rejected if a non-zero length string cannot be correctly parsed."

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Parent OID: serialConnectionEntry(1) First sibling OID: serialConnectIndex(1) Previous sibling OID: serialConnectOwner(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 5 Jul 2022 Bullet Page top