OID repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item11 Action itemnm(2) Action itemicf(14)   Navigating the OID tree
child OIDs: Child OID separator hpEntityMIBObjects(1) Child OID separator hpEntityMIBTraps(2) Child OID separator hpEntityConformance(3) Child OID separator
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OID description

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LAST-UPDATED "200011030636Z" -- November 3, 2000
ORGANIZATION "Hewlett Packard Company,
Network Infrastructure Solutions"
"Hewlett Packard Company
8000 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747"
"The MIB module for representing multiple logical
entities supported by a single SNMP agent.
This is an exact copy of draft 7 of the IETF
Entity MIB. The only changes are to actually
assign an OID to it, and add hp to the beginning
of all the labels. This was done only because
a product that uses this MIB is scheduled to ship
before the IETF MIB will be published as an RFC,
and we needed to give it an OID.
It is expected that this MIB module will only be
supported until the IETF actually publishes the
official version as an RFC. At that time, we will
support the IETF version of this MIB."
REVISION "200011030636Z" -- November 3, 2000
"Update division name. Since this MIB was only
supported on a single product, and all subsequent
products now support the IETF Entity MIB, mark the
entire MIB as obsolete."
REVISION "9703060326Z" -- March 6, 1997
"Uncommented NOTIFICATION-GROUP, and add import."
REVISION "9609062135Z" -- September 6, 1996
"Initial (and probably only) revision of this MIB module.
Released with the AdvanceStack 10BaseT Switching Hubs."

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Tree display Parent OID: icf(14) First child OID: hpEntityMIBObjects(1) First sibling OID: icfCommon(1) Previous sibling OID: icfDot12Draft(8) Next sibling OID: hpicfAdmin(10) Last sibling OID: hpicfSyslog(14)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 6 Apr 2020 Bullet Page top