hpSwitchCosPortTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {trustNone(1), trust8021pCos(2), trustTosIpPrecedence(3), trustTosDiffserv(4), trustAll(5), trustPartnerDevice(6)}
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"This object determines which trust mode,
trustNone, trust802.1pCos, trustTosIpPrecedence,
trustTosDffserv, trustAll or trustPartnerDevice
applies for the given Port CoS entry.
When the trust-mode is anything other
than trustNone, the inbound QoS values for the trusted
fields will be preserved and any associated inbound
queuing will occur. For all configurations, any
inbound values NOT specifically included in the
trust-mode will be cleared. The default setting is
trustAll. These configuration modes are mutually
exclusive of one another."