hpicfUsrAuthWebAuthSessionState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {authenticated(1), unauthenticated(2), authenticating(3), authReqRejectNoVlan(4), authReqRejectUnauthVlan(5), authReqTimeoutNoVlan(6), authReqTimeoutUnauthVlan(7), initialRole(8), initialRoleFailed(9), criticalAuth(10), openAuth(11)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Specifies the state of the client as follows:
'authenticated' - authenticated client
'unauthenticated' - unauthenticated client,
waiting for credentials
'authenticating' - credentials have been sent
for verification, waiting for
'authReqRejectNoVlan' - credentials invalid; client
does not have access to
unauthenticated VLAN
'authReqRejectUnauthVlan' - credentials invalid; client
does have access to
unauthenticated VLAN
'authReqTimeoutNoVlan' - credentials could not be
verified; client is still
unauthenticated and does
not have access to
unauthenticated VLAN
'authReqTimeoutUnauthVlan' - credentials could not be
verified; client is still
unauthenticated, but has
access to unauthenticated
'initialRole' - client is assigned the initial role
'initialRoleFailed' - initial role could not be applied; client
does not have access to the network
'criticalAuth - client is authenticated on critical VLAN
'openAUth - client is authenticated on open auth VLAN"