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hpVgNullAddrTraining OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object is used to control whether the repeater
will allow completion of training by end-nodes using
null MAC addresses. The 802.12 standard is written
to disallow such training. However, some end-nodes
may use this configuration at power-up before any
software is loaded. If so, the user may see frequent
training occurring on the repeater because of this.
In addition, some end-node applications may not work
when initial training fails due to the locking out of
null MAC addresses.
The default setting of this object is to allow null
MAC addresses to train. This is recommended for most
situations, despite the fact that it contradicts the
802.12 standard.
For repeaters that have First Learned address
security on this hub, disallowing null-address
training provides the most extensive security until
the ports' authorized addresses are learned.
However, if this creates problems for the end-node
applications, it may be necessary to instead
explicitly assign the ports' authorized addresses
and configure this object to allow null-address


MIB object for network management

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