hpnicfDhcpServer2PoolStaticHType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {default(1), ethernet(2), tokenRing(3)}
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Hardware type of a DHCP client that the IP address binds to.
The SET operation to this object ought to be with
the SET operation of hpnicfDhcpServer2PoolStaticHAddr,
and any SET operation alone to this object will be
regarded as an invalid operation.
'default' indicates that the hardware type is unknown.
If the value of hpnicfDhcpServer2PoolStaticCID is set to a non-zero
length string, the object is set with 'default' automatically.
Otherwise it cannot be set with 'default'.
'ethernet' indicates that the hardware type is ethernet.
If the value of hpnicfDhcpServer2PoolStaticHAddr is set with
a non-zero length string, the default value of this object
is 'ethernet'.
'tokenRing' indicates that the hardware type is token-ring."
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