hpIngressRateLimitPortControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {disabled(1), ingressRateLimitPerPortOnly(2), ingressRateLimitPerQueue(3), ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode(4), ingressRateLimitPerQueueBpsMode(5), ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The mode by which this port will be Rate-Limited on
ingress. If ingressRateLimitPerPortOnly is configured,
there will be a single maximum percentage-based rate for
the entire port. If ingressRateLimitPerQueue is
configured, the values for each of the queues indicate the
maximum percentage of port traffic that may be transmitted
by that queue. If ingressRateLimitPerPortOnlyKbpsMode is
configured, there will be a single maximum kilobits-per-second
rate for the entire port. The queues are defined under
hpIngressRateLimitPortPrctTable. When ingress rate-limiting
is disabled, there are no maximum controls on ingress for this port.
NOTE : Currently, IngressRateLimitPerPortOnlyBpsMode and
ingressRateLimitPerQueueBpsMode are not supported."
DEFVAL {disabled}