frwk802FilterDstAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
STATUS current
"This object specifies the bits in a 802 destination address
that should be considered when performing a 802 DA
comparison against the address specified in the
frwk802FilterDstAddr object.
The value of this object represents a mask that is logically
and'ed with the 802 DA in received frames to derive the
value to be compared against the frwk802FilterDstAddr
address. A zero bit in the mask thus means that the
corresponding bit in the address always matches. The
frwk802FilterDstAddr value must also be masked using this
value prior to any comparisons.
The length of this object in octets must equal the length in
octets of the frwk802FilterDstAddr. Note that a mask with no
bits set (i.e., all zeroes) effectively wildcards the
frwk802FilterDstAddr object."
Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 3318.
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