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frwkCompLimitsSubType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {none(1), lengthMin(2), lengthMax(3), rangeMin(4), rangeMax(5), enumMin(6), enumMax(7), enumOnly(8), valueOnly(9), bitMask(10)}
STATUS current
"This object indicates the type of guidance related to the noted limitation (as indicated by the frwkCompLimitsType attribute) that is provided in the frwkCompLimitsGuidance attribute.
A value of 'none(1)' means that no additional guidance is provided for the noted limitation type.
A value of 'lengthMin(2)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to the minimum acceptable length for the value of the identified component. A corresponding class instance specifying the 'lengthMax(3)' value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.
A value of 'lengthMax(3)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to the maximum acceptable length for the value of the identified component. A corresponding class instance specifying the 'lengthMin(2)' value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.
A value of 'rangeMin(4)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to the lower bound of the range for the value of the identified component. A corresponding class instance specifying the 'rangeMax(5)' value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.
A value of 'rangeMax(5)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to the upper bound of the range for the value of the identified component. A corresponding class instance specifying the 'rangeMin(4)' value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.
A value of 'enumMin(6)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to the lowest enumeration acceptable for the value of the identified component. A corresponding class instance specifying the 'enumMax(7)' value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.
A value of 'enumMax(7)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to the largest enumeration acceptable for the value of the identified component. A corresponding class instance specifying the 'enumMin(6)' value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.
A value of 'enumOnly(8)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to a single enumeration acceptable for the value of the identified component.
A value of 'valueOnly(9)' means that the guidance attribute provides data related to a single value that is acceptable for the identified component.
A value of 'bitMask(10)' means that the guidance attribute is a bit mask such that all the combinations of bits set in the bitmask are acceptable values for the identified component which should be an attribute of type 'BITS'.
For example, an implementation of the frwkIpFilter class may be limited in several ways, such as address mask, protocol and Layer 4 port options. These limitations could be exported using this PRC with the following instances:
Component Type Sub-Type Guidance
DstPrefixLength attrValueSupLimited valueOnly 24
SrcPrefixLength attrValueSupLimited valueOnly 24
Protocol attrValueSupLimited rangeMin 10
Protocol attrValueSupLimited rangeMax 20
The above entries describe a number of limitations that may be in effect for the frwkIpFilter class on a given device. The limitations include restrictions on acceptable values for certain attributes.
Also, an implementation of a PRC may be limited in the ways it can be accessed. For instance, for a fictitious PRC dscpMapEntry, which has a PIB-ACCESS of 'install-notify':
Component Type SubType Guidance
dscpMapEntry prcLimitedNotify none zero-length string."


PIB object for policy decisions

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 3318.

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