frwkPibIncarnationLongevity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {expireNever(1), expireImmediate(2), expireOnTimeout(3)}
STATUS current
"This attribute controls what the PEP does with the
downloaded policy on a Client Close message or a loss of
connection to the PDP.
If set to expireNever, the PEP continues to operate with the
installed policy indefinitely. If set to expireImmediate,
the PEP immediately expires the policy obtained from the PDP
and installs policy from local configuration. If set to
expireOnTimeout, the PEP continues to operate with the
policy installed by the PDP for a period of time specified
by frwkPibIncarnationTtl. After this time (and it has not
reconnected to the original or new PDP) the PEP expires this
policy and reverts to local configuration.
For all cases, it is the responsibility of the PDP to check
the incarnation and download new policy, if necessary, on a
reconnect. On receiving a Remove-State for the active
context, this attribute value MUST be ignored and the PEP
should expire the policy in that active context immediately.
Policy enforcement timing only applies to policies that have
been installed dynamically (e.g., by a PDP via COPS)."
"COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084."
Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 3318.