MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains objects which provide the
capability to apply or map FTN rules as defined by
entries in mplsFTNTable to specific interfaces in the
system. FTN rules are compared with incoming packets
in the order in which they are applied on an interface.
The indexing structure of mplsFTNMapTable is as
- mplsFTNMapIndex indicates the interface to which the
rule is being applied. A value of 0 represents the
application of the rule to all interfaces.
- mplsFTNMapPrevIndex specifies the rule on the
interface prior to the one being applied. A value of
0 specifies that the rule is being inserted at the
head of the list of rules currently applied to the
- mplsFTNMapCurrIndex is the index in mplsFTNTable
corresponding to the rule being applied.
This indexing structure makes the entries in the table
behave like items in a linked-list. The object
mplsFTNMapPrevIndex in each conceptual row is a pointer
to the previous entry that is applied to a particular
interface. This allows a new entry to be 'inserted' at
an arbitrary position in a list of entries currently
applied to an interface. This object is self-
adjusting, i.e., its value is automatically adjusted by
the agent, if necessary, after an insertion or deletion
Using this linked-list structure, one can retrieve FTN
entries in the order of application on a per-interface
basis as follows:
- To determine the first FTN entry on an interface
with index ifIndex perform a GETNEXT retrieval
operation on mplsFTNMapRowStatus.ifIndex.0.0; the
returned object, if one exists, is (say)
mplsFTNMapRowStatus.ifIndex.0.n (mplsFTNMapRowStatus
is the first accessible columnar object in the
conceptual row). Then the index of the first FTN
entry applied on this interface is n.
- To determine the FTN entry applied to an interface
after the one indexed by n perform a GETNEXT
retrieval operation on
mplsFTNMapRowStatus.ifIndex.n.0. If such an entry
exists the returned object would be of the form
mplsFTNMapRowStatus.ifIndex.n.m. Then the index of
the next FTN entry applied on this interface is m.
- If the FTN entry indexed by n is the last entry
applied to the interface with index ifIndex then the
object returned would either be:
1.mplsFTNMapRowStatus.ifIndexNext.0.k, where
ifIndexNext is the index of the next interface in
ifTable to which an FTN entry has been applied, in
which case k is the index of the first FTN entry
applied to the interface with index ifIndexNext;
2.mplsFTNMapStorageType.firstIfIndex.0.p, if there
are no more entries in mplsFTNMapTable, where
firstIfIndex is the first entry in ifTable to
which an FTN entry has been mapped.
Use the above steps to retrieve all the applied FTN
entries on a per-interface basis in application order.
Note that the number of retrieval operations is the
same as the number of applied FTN entries (i.e., the
minimum number of GETNEXT operations needed using any
indexing scheme).
Agents MUST NOT allow the same FTN entry as specified
by mplsFTNMapCurrIndex to be applied multiple times to
the same interface.
Agents MUST NOT allow the creation of rows in this
table until the corresponding rows are created in the
If a row in mplsFTNTable is destroyed, the agent MUST
destroy the corresponding entries (i.e., ones with a
matching value of mplsFTNCurrIndex) in this table as
Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 3814.