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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
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gmplsLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX GmplsLabelEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in this table represents a single label value. There
are three indexes into the table.
- The interface index may be helpful to distinguish which
labels are in use on which interfaces or to handle cases
where there are a very large number of labels in use in the
system. When label representation is desired to apply to the
whole system or when it is not important to distinguish
labels by their interfaces, this index MAY be set to zero.
- The label index provides a way of identifying the label.
- The label sub-index is only used for concatenated labels. It
identifies each component label. When non-concatenated labels
are used, this index SHOULD be set to zero.
A storage type object is supplied to control the storage type
for each entry, but implementations should note that the storage
type of conceptual rows in other tables that include row
pointers to an entry in this table SHOULD dictate the storage
type of the rows in this table where the row in the other table
is more persistent."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 4803.

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Tree display Parent OID: gmplsLabelTable(2) First child OID: gmplsLabelInterface(1)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 30 Mar 2021 Bullet Page top