SYNTAX OptIfODUkTConfigEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A conceptual row that contains ODUkT configuration
information of an interface. Each instance must
correspond to an instance of optIfODUkConfigEntry.
Rows in this table are mutually exclusive with rows
in the ODUkT NIM config table -- in other words, this
row object may not be instantiated for a given pair
of ifIndex and TCM field values if a corresponding
instance of optIfODUkTNimConfigEntry already exists.
Instances of this conceptual row persist across agent
restarts. Except where noted otherwise, read-create
columns other than the status column may be modified
while the row is active."
INDEX { ifIndex, optIfODUkTTcmField, optIfODUkTCodirectional }
Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 3591.
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