OID Repository
OID Repository
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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemmgmt(2) Action itemmib-2(1) Action itemtransmission(10) Action itemdocsIfMib(127)


child OIDs: Child OID separator docsQosMIBObjects(1) Child OID separator docsQosNotification(2) Child OID separator docsQosConformance(3) Child OID separator

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The size of each slice represents the number of grandchild OIDs (displayed when hovering over each slice).
Child OIDs with no (direct) grandchild OID described in this OID repository are displayed with hatching (///).
Clicking on a slice focuses on the corresponding child OID.
Colors are generated randomly each time this page is displayed (except for the first slice).
A pie chart based on the number of all descendants of each child OID is also available.
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OID description

Action itemFormat of this page
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Action itemCreate child OID
Action itemCreate sibling OID

Action itemDensity of this OID
OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


LAST-UPDATED "200111090000Z" -- November 9, 2001
"Co-Author: Michael Patrick
Postal: Motorola ISG
20 Cabot Blvd, MS M4-30
Mansfield, MA 02048-1193
Phone: +1 508 261 5707
INTERNET-DRAFT<draft-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-06.txt>November 2001
E-mail: michael.patrick@motorola.com
Co-Author: William Murwin
Postal: Motorola BCS
20 Cabot Blvd, MS M4-25
Mansfield, MA 02048-1193
Phone: +1 508 261 5578
E-mail: w.murwin@motorola.com"
"This is the management information for
Quality Of Service (QOS) for DOCSIS 1.1."
REVISION "200111090000Z" -- November 9, 2001
"Published as draft-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-06.txt.
Changes from qos-mib-05 include:
-Deprecated objects that were of type IpAddress
and added new objects that were of type
InetAddressType and InetAddress, to support both
IPv4 and IPv6 in the docsQosPktClassTable.
-Clarified the default value of the
docsQosPktClassIpDestMask and
-Corrected the description of the individual bits
that make up the docsQosParamsSetRequestPolicyOct.
-Corrected the spelling of docsCableMaclayer in the
description of the docsQosServiceFlowLogIfIndex.
-Clarified that some of counters from the
docsQosDynamicServiceStatsTable, include retries.
-Changed references to the latest Data-Over-Cable
Service Interface Specifications: Radio Frequency
Interface Specification.
-Added objects that were removed from earlier
revisions of the mib, as obsolete.
-Clarified the Cable Modem's implementation of the
-Change the description of objects within the
docsQosServiceClassTable, so that they were no longer
templates for obsolete objects."


Deprecated OID

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from Internet-Draft draft-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-06.

See also OID {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) docsIetfQosMIB(127)}.

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All rights reserved © 2007-2025
Tree display Parent OID: docsIfMib(127) First child OID: docsQosMIBObjects(1) First sibling OID: docsIfMibObjects(1) Previous sibling OID: docsBpi2MIB(6) Separation line
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