docsBpi2CmtsCACertIssuer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The issuer name exactly as it is encoded in the
X509 certificate.
The commonName portion of the certificate's issuer
name must be present. All other fields are optional. Any
optional field present must be prepended with <CR> (carriage
return) <LF> (line feed) ASCII characters.
Ordering of fields present must conform to:
commonName <CR> <LF>
countryName <CR> <LF>
stateOrProvinceName <CR> <LF>
localityName <CR> <LF>
organizationName <CR> <LF>
organizationalUnitName <CR> <LF>
organizationalUnitName=<Manufacturing Location>"
"DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Plus Interface Specification,
Section 9.2.4"