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docsBpiBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
"This is the compliance statement for devices which implement the
DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Interface."
MODULE -- docsBpiMIB
-- conditionally mandatory group
GROUP docsBpiCmGroup
"This group is implemented only in CMs, not in CMTSs."
-- conditionally mandatory group
GROUP docsBpiCmtsGroup
"This group is implemented only in CMTSs, not in CMs."
-- relaxation on mandatory range (unnecessary since object is read-only)
-- OBJECT docsBpiCmAuthGraceTime
-- SYNTAX Integer32 (300..1800)
-- "The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
-- operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range (unnecessary since object is read-only)
-- OBJECT docsBpiCmTEKGraceTime
-- SYNTAX Integer32 (300..1800)
-- "The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
-- operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range
OBJECT docsBpiCmtsDefaultAuthLifetime
SYNTAX Integer32 (86400..6048000)
"The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range
OBJECT docsBpiCmtsDefaultTEKLifetime
SYNTAX Integer32 (1800..604800)
"The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range (object removed from MIB)
-- OBJECT docsBpiCmtsDefaultAuthGraceTime
-- SYNTAX INTEGER (300..1800)
-- "The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
-- operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range (object removed from MIB)
-- OBJECT docsBpiCmtsDefaultTEKGraceTime
-- SYNTAX INTEGER (300..1800)
-- "The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
-- operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range
OBJECT docsBpiCmtsAuthCmLifetime
SYNTAX Integer32 (86400..6048000)
"The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range (unnecessary since object is read-only)
-- OBJECT docsBpiCmtsAuthCmGraceTime
-- SYNTAX Integer32 (300..1800)
-- "The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
-- operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range
OBJECT docsBpiCmtsTEKLifetime
SYNTAX Integer32 (1800..604800)
"The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."
-- relaxation on mandatory range (unnecessary since object is read-only)
-- OBJECT docsBpiCmtsTEKGraceTime
-- SYNTAX Integer32 (300..1800)
-- "The refined range corresponds to the minimum and maximum values in
-- operational networks, according to Appendix A.2 in [18]."


MIB object for network management

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 3083.

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