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Action itemiso(1) Action itemmember-body(2) Action itemus(840)   Navigating the OID tree
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Note: Many people have wondered why ANSI decided to begin the assignment of numeric organization names (under {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840)}) at the nonintuitive value "113,527," which is not, among other things, a power of 2 (or any other interesting number). Realizing that they had to specify some value as the starting point (and hoping to avoid conferring any special cachet on the recipients of the first few numbers by starting at, say "1"), the members of the U.S. registration authority committee were about to pick a "logical" number ("1,000," perhaps, or "2,048") when Jack Veenstra, the Chairman of the committee, shouted "113,527!" -- which was promptly dubbed the "Veenstra constant" and written into the registration authority procedures. Later, the members of the committee arranged for AT&T (Veenstra's employer) to receive the numeric organization name "113,527" in Jack's honour.

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Parent OID: us(840) First sibling OID: organization(1) Previous sibling OID: 10070 Next sibling OID: nortelnetworks(113533) Last sibling OID: secure-identity-solutions(912006)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 9 Mar 2016 Bullet Page top