establishISDNService ACTION
establishISDNServiceBhv BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS "The action first verifies that the directory number name(s) and termination point name identified in the service are valid. If either is not valid the agent returns an invalid reference error. The directory number name is considered valid if it exists and does not have a relationship with a customerProfile or its subclasses and its administrative state is unlocked. The termination point name is considered valid if all of the following conditions are met:
? an instance of accessPortTrailTerminationPoint exists for the termination point name provided in the action;
? the accessPortTrailTerminationPoint can support ISDN services, either with or without a physical line card change.
Depending on the actual syntax selected, a different behaviour will apply for the remaining of the action execution:
? if a servicePackage is provided, the service is instantiated based on the definition provided by a service package and the instantiateServicePackageBehaviour applies;
? if a copyCommand is selected, the service is instantiated based on the definition provided by an already existing service and the copyCommandBehaviour applies.
In all cases, if the action is successful, the reply will indicate so and will also contain the list of names of the object instances just created. Otherwise the action leaves the MIB unaffected (unchanged) and returns the specified error message.";,
copyISDNServiceCommandBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS "The action verifies that the existing Customer Profile, Directory Number Name(s) and existing Termination Point Name identified in the service are valid. If any are not valid the agent returns an invalid reference error. The existing Directory Number Name(s) is considered valid if it exists and it is in service (has a relationship with the specified customerProfile and an accessPortProfile) on the specified existing Termination Point Name.
If the existing Termination Point Name is not provided, the existing Directory Number Name(s) must be in service on only one office equipment. Otherwise, the agent returns an invalid reference error with a NULL value for the Existing Service Office Equipment Number Name.
The action creates a duplicate of the customerProfile or its subclasses and accessPortProfile containment subtrees of the service identified by the existing Directory Number Name and existing Termination Point Name (if provided) for use by the new service, and create the following relationships:
? directoryNumber - customerProfile or its subclasses
? customerProfile or its subclasses - accessPortProfile
? accessPortProfile - accessPortTrailTerminationPoint.
If an accessPortProfile already exists in association with the accessPortProfileTrailTerminationPoint, then a new one does not need to be instantiated.";;
WITH REPLY SYNTAX CAISDNAttributeModule.CreatedInstancesName;