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insertCircuitSubgroups ACTION
insertCircuitSubgroupsBhv BEHAVIOUR
DEFINED AS "The action request contains the circuit subgroup to insert new data. The new data is a set of elements, each member consisting of three elements in a sequence; first, the name of the administeredCircuitEndPointSubgroup; second, delete element and the third the prefix element (see circuitEndPointSubgroupPtrList Bhv). The new members are inserted after the member whose administeredCircuitEndPointSubgroup name component matches the name of the object in the insert after field. The action specifies the name of an instance of CTP managed object class or its subclassses after which the new member must be inserted. The successful insertion is returned as a response to the action which contains only the invoke identifier. If the insertAfterCircuitSubgroup object instance is NULL the new members are inserted at the beginning of the sequence.";;
WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX CACommonModule.InsertCircuitSubgroups;


GDMO object for network management

See classes of OIDs


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T Q.824.0

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Parent OID: action(9) Next sibling OID: insertCSGChannels(2) Last sibling OID: removeCSGChannels(5) Separation line
Chatbot helper Webmaster Bullet 11 Sep 2008 Bullet Page top