startMtpRouteTest ACTION
startMtpRouteTestBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS
"This action is used by the Management Process to initiate an MRVT procedure. The MRVT
procedure sends an MRVT message for each signalling route which is contained in the MTP routing
tables to reach the test destination. The destination (DPC) of each of these messages is the adjacent
signalling point within the particular route under test. For each MRVT message a corresponding
MRVA message is expected.
When the MRVT procedure is initiated, a timer T1 is started.
The value of timer T1 depends on the value of the attribute imeD and the value of hreshold given
in the action parameters (2.4/Q.753).
When all MRVA messages expected have been received or when T1 expires, the test is complete
and the result will be returned to the Management Process in the action reply.
The Action will be rejected, if
- the administrative state is locked.
- the operational state is disabled.
- the usage state is busy.
- an MRVT for the test destination given in the action parameters is already in progress.
The reason for the rejection will be returned to the Management Process in the action reply.";;
WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX MTPDefinedTypesModule.StartMtpRouteTest;
WITH REPLY SYNTAX MTPDefinedTypesModule.ResultMtpRouteTest;
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