rwFilterDstPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength
STATUS current
"The length of a mask for the matching of the destination
IP address. This attribute is interpreted only if the
InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'.
Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the
most-significant bit downwards for RwFilterDstPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in the mask, up to the number needed to fill the length of
the address RwFilterDstAddr are cleared to zero. A zero
bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit in
the address always matches.
In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any
address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host
address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of
a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths
range from 0..128."
"Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
RFC 3291."
DEFVAL { 0 }
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