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switchOver ACTION
switchOverBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
"This action offers the capability, in an atomic way, to: Switch an existing connection to another one of the same type maintaining one of the original cross-connected termination points. If the operation succeeds, this will result in the deletion of the old connection indicated in the action information and the connection of the new termination point. The new termination point indicated in the action information must be available (disconnected for the respective direction) in order to establish the new cross-connection. The switch over of an individual connection is considered an atomic operation.
Switch a bundle of existing connections. Each of these connections are switched over as described above. In this case, the action will behave according to a best effort policy and only those connections which can be successfully switched over will be performed independently of each other.
In any case, a connection designates a unidirectional or bidirectional point-to-point connection (i.e. crossConnection), a leg of a multi-point connection (i.e. crossConnection contained in a mpCrossConnection), or a leg of a multipoint connection protection defined in Recommendation G.774.04.";;
WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SwitchOverInformation;
WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.SwitchOverResult;


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T M.3100

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Parent OID: action(9) First sibling OID: addTpsToGTP(1) Previous sibling OID: removeTpsFromTpPool(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 11 Sep 2008 Bullet Page top