addTpsToTpPool ACTION
addTpsToTpPoolBehaviour BEHAVIOUR
"This action is used to arrange termination points or GTPs into pools of termination points or GTPs that are all equivalent for some management purpose such as routing. If the tpPool instance does not exist then a new one is automatically created and its identity returned in the result. Otherwise the termination points or GTPs are added to those already in the tpPool. If an Indirect Adaptor is specified, a GTP representing the CTPs contained from the Indirect Adaptor will be created and it will be added to the tpPool.";;
WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AddTpsToTpPoolInformation ;
WITH REPLY SYNTAX ASN1DefinedTypesModule.AddTpsToTpPoolResult;
Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T M.3100
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